The Procedure Of Checking In And Staying At NovSU Dormitories

International students can check into a university dormitory and start the educational process in full-time form only after they have got two negative results for the COVID-19 test made with the PCR method.

1.     To check into a dormitory and be admitted to classes, an international student has to take the second PCR test within 72 hours after entering the territory of Russia. Before receiving the test results, the student should stay in self-isolation and comply with lockdown restrictions at the place of residence.

2.     All students can check into the university observation dormitory for free (the address of observation dormitory will be provided by the NovSU Recruiting and International Students Department upon request).

3.     At their own will, students can check into a hotel/hostel and pay for the stay at their own expense. If, during the period of self-isolation, international students notice any symptoms of an acute respiratory illness (fever, sore throat, runny nose or cough), they have to inform the NovSU Recruiting and International Students Office immediately and call a doctor.

4.     During the self-isolation period, the studying process is held online.

5.     After receiving the second negative result of the PCR test for COVID-19, a student should contact the NovSU Dormitory Office (room 4211, the NovSU main building, B. St. Petersburgskaya St., 41) and get a referral for checking into the dormitory, and then go to the NovSU Visas and Registrations Office (room 6520, the NovSU main building, Sashi Ustinova St., 1) to get checked into the dormitory.

6.     Without the written approval of the NovSU Visas and Registrations Office checking in the dormitory is not permitted.

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