NovSU International Students

Currently almost 800 foreign citizens from 55 countries are pursuing higher and secondary vocational education programs at Novgorod State University.


Country of residence and  number of students

Afghanistan: 1 student
Algeria: 7 students
Angola: 51 students
Armenia: 3 students
Azerbaijan: 3 students
Belarus: 9 students
Benin: 4 students
Burkina Faso: 1 student
Cameroon: 5 students
China: 2 students
Columbia: 1 student
Comoro Islands: 1 student
Cote-d’Ivoire: 20 students
Czech Republic: 1 student
Egypt: 210 students
Estonia: 3 students
Finland: 1 student
Gabon: 45 students
Georgia: 1 student
Germany: 1 student
Ghana: 25 students
Haiti: 2 students
India: 13 students
Iran: 2 students
Iraq: 5 students
Israel: 3 students
Jordan: 30 students
Kazakhstan: 14 students

Kenia: 1 student
Kirghizia: 19 students
Kongo: 35 students
Laos: 1 student
Latvia: 4 students
Lebanon: 1 student
Libya: 1 student
Malawi: 1 student
Mali: 2 students
Moldova: 3 students
Morocco: 126 students
Namibia: 2 students
Nepal: 1 student
Nigeria: 2 students
Senegal: 1 student
Sudan: 1 student
Swaziland: 1 student
Syria: 24 students
Tajikistan: 60 students
Tanzania: 2 students
Tunisia: 9 students
Turkmenia: 13 students
Ukraine: 13 students
Uzbekistan: 68 students
Vietnam: 1 student
Yemen: 8 students
Zambia: 4 students

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