Basic Expense While Studying In Russia

A student in Russia needs $200-250 per month on average or $2000-2500 per academic year (September to June). It’s better to bring about $200-300 with you for extra expenses like living arrangements in an apartment or dormitory (buying dishes, bed linen and detergents), and to purchase some books.

 Basic expenses while studying in Russia:

  • education;
  • accommodation;
  • food expenses;
  • transport;
  • mobile services, internet;
  • clothes;
  • cultural leisure activities;
  • sport;
  • entertainment.

Average expenses for students in Veliky Novgorod:

Dormitory – (~$25)

Food –  (~$100)

Mess Service (~$120)

Transport – (~$16)

Internet, mobile services – (~$7)

Cultural, sport and other activities – (~$57)

TOTAL: (~$200-300).

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